Version française
The basic packages don't propose a Web Interface to automatically list the personal pages from the system's user.
This little program scan the user's directory searching for a directory called public_html containing the personnal pages.
This version permits to link the pages from different sites into one, do some buffering, and by-day automatic update ... and without specialised server, just by a transparent HTTP call for the user.
The Update can be forced by a button. If a remote server cannot be joigned, an error message is displayed.
Apache 1.1 and newer, older versions are not to be used due to security issue .
Perl 5.002 at least ( I have not tested it with older versions )
The LWP library : libwww-perl >= 5.32
- Edit the to match your own directories, server names, mailer
- Add in the client ARRAY the servers and scripts path you want to join (please respect the argument "?action=liste" at the end of the script call).
- You must allow "Option ExecCGI" within the file access.conf for the directory containing the script !
- Also add "AddHandler cgi-script .cgi" within the file srm.conf
- Put within the script header the location of the perl interpreter for your site.
You can download the tar.gz file WebPages.tgz (28k)
1. Each user must create a public_html directory, in which his home page will be called index.html (take care of the access rights: chmod a+x ~ and chmod a+rx ~/public_html ).
2. A picture called photo.gif (or photo.jpg) is also searched in this
directory. Its size must be 70x70 or will be resized to it ( you can change this parameter). By default, default.gif is taken. I also provide default2.gif and default3.gif.
3. If you have specified in the file srm.conf "DirectoryIndex index.html index.cgi", then putting index.cgi will make it executed by default as an HTML page. Else, call it from a page.
If you have any comments, or further improvements, I would be glad to hear it !