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Des agents mobiles sont des agents capables de se déplacer de serveurs en serveurs
sur le réseau suivant leurs besoins.
Une applet est une application Java qui a été compilée pour une utilisation
dans un document HTML. Ces applications sont encapsulées par une couche de sécurité
afin ne pas être corrompues par d'autres programmes.
That part of an IDL interface that is similar to a public class field or C++
data member. The idltojava compiler maps an OMG IDL attribute to accessor and
modifier methods in the Java programming language. For example, an interface
ball might include the attribute color. The idltojava compiler would generate
a Java programming language method to get the color, and unless the attribute
is readonly, a method to set the color. CORBA attributes correspond closely
to JavaBeans properties.
Une application est dite version bêta quand elle est en cours de développement.
Elle est produite est diffusée gratuitement (le plus souvent) afin que des utilisateurs
puissent la tester et apporter leur remarques et permettre un développement
satisfaisant. Cela sert aussi d'argument commercial puisque'il donne aux betatesteurs
l'envie du produit.
Le chat est une application permettant à plusieurs personnes sur le réseau
de dialoguer en ligne dans une salle virtuelle dite chatroom. Les personnes
commmuniquent au moyen de texte frappé puis envoyé par le client au serveur
de chat.
Any code which invokes an operation on a distributed object. A client might
itself be a CORBA object, or it might be a non-object-oriented program, but
while invoking a method on a CORBA object, it is said to be acting as client.
A Java programming language class generated by idltojava and used transparently
by the client ORB during object invocation. The remote object reference held
by the client points to the client stub. This stub is specific to the IDL interface
from which it was generated, and it contains the information needed for the
client to invoke a method on the CORBA object that was defined in the IDL interface.
The portion of a distributed application that requests services from the server
tier. Typically, the client tier is characterized by a small local footprint,
a graphical user interface, and simplified development and maintenance efforts.
Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)
An OMG-specified architecture that is the basis for the CORBA object model.
The CORBA specification includes an interface definition language (IDL), which
is a language-independent way of creating contracts between objects for implementation
as distributed applications.
An entity which (1) is defined by an OMG IDL interface, and (2) for which an
object reference is available. Object is also the implicit common base type
for object references of IDL interfaces.
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
The portion of a distributed application that manages access to persistent data
and its storage mechanisms, such as relational databases.
A program designed to run on more than one computer, typically with functionality
separated into tiers such as client, service, and data store.
A network of one or more computers that use CORBA objects. Objects are installed
on the various machines and can communicate with each other.
Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII)
An API that allows a client to make dynamic invocations on remote CORBA objects.
It is used when at compile time a client does not have knowledge about an object
it wants to invoke. Once an object is discovered, the client program can obtain
a definition of it, issue a parameterized call to it, and receive a reply from
it, all without having a type-specific client stub for the remote object.
Dynamic Skeleton Interface (DSI)
An API that provides a way to deliver requests from an ORB to an object implementation
when the type of the object implementation is not known at compile time. DSI,
which is the server side analog to the client side DII, makes it possible for
the application programmer to inspect the parameters of an incoming request
to determine a target object and method.
An IDL construct that represents an exceptional condition that could be returned
in response to an invocation. There are two categories of exceptions: (1) system
exceptions, which inherit from org.omg.CORBA.SystemException (which is a java.lang.RuntimeException),
and (2) user-defined exceptions, which inherit from org.omg.CORBA.UserException
(which is a java.lang.Exception).
A CORBA object that is used to create new CORBA objects. Factory objects are
themselves usually created at server installation time.
A tool that takes an interface written in OMG IDL and produces Java programming
language interfaces and classes that represent the mapping from the IDL interface
to the Java programming language. The resulting files are .java files.
A concrete class that defines the behavior for all of the operations and attributes
of the IDL interface it supports. A servant object is an instance of an implementation.
There may be many implementations of a single interface.
The NamingContext object returned by a call to the method orb.resolve_initial_references("NameService").
It is an object reference to the COS Naming Service registered with the ORB
and can be used to create other NamingContext objects. See also: naming context
Interface Definition Language (IDL)
The OMG-standard language for defining the interfaces for all CORBA objects.
An IDL interface declares a set of operations, exceptions, and attributes. Each
operation has a signature, which defines its name, parameters, result and exceptions.
OMG IDL does not include implementations for operations; rather, as its name
indicates, it is simply a language for defining interfaces. The complete syntax
and semantics for IDL are available in chapter 3 of the OMG specification at
the OMG web site.
A service that contains all the registered component interfaces, the methods
they support, and the parameters they require. The IFR stores, updates, and
manages object interface definitions. Programs may use the IFR APIs to access
and update this information. An IFR is not necessary for normal client/server
Internet InterORB Protocol (IIOP)
The OMG-specified network protocol for communicating between ORBs. Java IDL conforms to IIOP version 1.0.
invocation The process of performing a method call on a CORBA object, which
can be done without knowledge of the object's location on the network. Static
invocation, which uses a client stub for the invocation and a server skeleton
for the service being invoked, is used when the interface of the object is known
at compile time. If the interface is not known at compile time, dynamic invocation
must be used.
The classes, libraries, and tools that make it possible to use CORBA objects
from the Java programming language. The main components of Java IDL are
an ORB, a naming service, and the idltojava compiler. The ORB and naming service
are part of JDK1.2; the idltojava compiler can be downloaded from the Java Developer
Connection (JDC) web site.
Le login est un mot anglais qui sert à désigner la demande de connection
à une application. En général, on répond à un login en entrant un nom
d'utilisateur puis un mot de passe pour autoriser l'accès à une application.
The association of a name with an object reference. Name bindings are stored
in a naming context.
A collection of naming contexts that are grouped together.
A CORBA object that supports the NamingContext interface and functions as a
sort of directory which contains (points to) other naming contexts and/or simple
names. Similar to a directory structure, where the last item is a file and preceding
items are directories, in a naming context, the last item is an object reference
name, and the preceding items are naming contexts.
A CORBA service that allows CORBA objects to be named by means of binding a
name to an object reference. The name binding may be stored in the naming service,
and a client may supply the name to obtain the desired object reference.
A computational grouping of operations and data into a modular unit. An object is defined by the interface it presents to others, its behavior when operations on its interface are invoked, and its state.
object implementation See implementation.
An international organization with over 700 members that establishes industry
guidelines and object management specifications in order to provide a common
framework for object-oriented application development. Its members include platform
vendors, object-oriented database vendors, software tool developers, corporate
developers, and software application vendors. The OMG Common Object Request
Broker Architecture specifies the CORBA object model. See www.omg.org for more
A construct containing the information needed to specify an object within an
ORB. An object reference is used in method invocations to locate a CORBA object.
Object references are the CORBA object equivalent to programming language-specific
object pointers. They may be obtained from a factory object or from the Naming
Service. An object reference, which is opaque (its internal structure is irrelevant
to application developers), identifies the same CORBA object each time it is
used. It is possible, however, for multiple object references to refer to the
same CORBA object.
The libraries, processes, and other infrastructure in a distributed environment that enable CORBA objects to communicate with each other. The ORB connects objects requesting services to the objects providing them.
operation (IDL) The construct in an IDL interface that maps to a Java programming
language method. For example, an interface ball might support the operation
bounce. Operations may take parameters, return a result, or raise exceptions.
IDL operations can be oneway, in which case they cannot return results (return
values or out arguments) or raise exceptions.
One or more objects the client passes to an IDL operation when it invokes the
operation. Parameters may be declared as "in" (passed from
client to server), "out" (passed from server to client), or
"inout" (passed from client to server and then back from server
to client).
La persistence utilisée par Voyager est une méthode voisine de
la sérialisation pour 'freezer' un objet ou une application Java de la
mémoire et de la stocker sur la mémoire de masse.
The interface definition language for describing a CORBA pseudo-object. Each
language mapping, including the mapping from IDL to the Java programming language,
describes how pseudo objects are mapped to language-specific constructs. PIDL
mappings may or may not follow the rules that apply to mapping regular CORBA
A directive to the idltojava compiler to perform certain operations while compiling
an IDL file. For example, the pragma "javaPackage" directs
the idltojava compiler to put the Java programming language interfaces and classes
it generates from the IDL interface into the Java programming language package
Un système propriétaire est un système ne fonctionnant que sous un environnement
spécifique pour lequel il a été conçu. Exemple : Word, Windows, Mr Salvy, Windows
Compaq pour ordinateur Compaq...
Swing est un ensemble de classes Java permettant l'utilisation d'objets graphiques
connus sous les environnements classiques aujourd'hui.
Un proxy est une application qui s'occupe de la redirection de tout ce qui lui
est envoyé. De cette manière, on peut toucher plusieurs entités virtuelles sans
connaitre leur emplacement.
An object similar to a CORBA object in that it is described in IDL, but unlike
a CORBA object, it cannot be passed around using its object reference, nor can
it be narrowed or stringified. Examples of pseudo-objects include the Interface
Repository and DII which, although implemented as libraries, are more clearly
described in OMG specifications as pseudo-objects with IDL interfaces. The IDL
for pseudo-objects is called "PIDL" to indicate that a pseudo-object
is being defined. servant object An instance of an object implementation for
an IDL interface. The servant object is registered with the ORB so that the
ORB knows where to send invocations. It is the servant that performs the services
requested when a CORBA object's method is invoked.
Les méthodes de PUSH et de PULL définissent 2 manières d'accéder
à l'information. PULL (le plus commun) : le client va chercher les informations
sur le serveur. PUSH : le serveur envoi l'information au client.
A program that contains the implementations of one or more IDL interfaces. For
example, a desktop publishing server might implement a Document object type,
a ParagraphTag object type, and other related object types. The server is required
to register each implementation (servant object) with the ORB so that the ORB
knows about the servant. Servers are sometimes referred to as object servers.
A public abstract class generated by the idltojava compiler that provides the
ORB with information it needs in dispatching method invocations to the servant
object(s). A server skeleton, like a client stub, is specific to the IDL interface
from which it is generated. A server skeleton is the server side analog to a
client stub, and these two classes are used by ORBs in static invocation.
The portion of a distributed application that contains the business logic and
performs most of the computation. The service tier is typically located on a
shared machine for optimum resource use.
An object reference that has been converted to a string so that it may be stored
on disk in a text file (or stored in some other manner). Such strings should
be treated as opaque because they are ORB-implementation independent. Standard
object_to_string and string_to_object methods on org.omg.CORBA.Object make
stringified references available to all CORBA Objects.
Le trading est un mot anglais désigant le marchandage, la négociation.
Ici, le trading désigne l'emploi d'un algorithme de négociation entre
agents pour l'échange de données. Un agent va faire du trading avec un
autre agent pour arriver (si possible) à un commun accord (établir une date
de rendez-vous dans un calendrier par exemple).
URL, Uniform Ressource Locator
Any object on an Internet/Intranet Network is referenced with an URL. It's the
location on the net of this file/applet/script,... An URL is written like
For example : http://www.esiea.fr/usr/people/public_html/index.html
Pour tout commentaire, webmaster@e-nef.com Dernière MaJ 15/12/2017 |
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