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Class orchid.agent.MeetingAgent


public class MeetingAgent
extends Object
implements IMeetingAgent, IMobile, IMobility, Serializable
The MeetingAgent class.

To generate the interface : $ igen -v -d . orchid.agent.MeetingAgent.

If something goes wrong, IMobility has to be DE-implemented since there may be a bug in this Interface.
If so, swap the 2 lines of declaration of the class and comment the 2 moveTo methods.

Marc-Aurèle DARCHE & Antoine SOULIEZ

Constructor Index

 o MeetingAgent(UserInfo)
MeetingAgent constructor

Method Index

 o callMeeting(MeetingProposal)
Make the Initiator Agent send the MeetingProposal to all the meeting guests' agents.
Method used by the Initiator Agent.
 o confirmMeeting(MeetingProposal)
Make the agent confirm the final DateHourProposal to all the agents of one subgroup.
This is the LAST METHOD to be used.
Agent to Agent Method.
Method called by the nMCP agent.
 o finalize()
 o getCurrentlocation()
Make the agent return the name of the server on which it is running .
 o getHome()
Make the agent return the name of the server on which it was created.
Agent to Agent Method.
 o getMeetings(Date, Date)
Make the agent send the schedule to its client owner.
Client to Agent Method.
 o getOwner()
Make the agent return the name of its owner.
Agent to Agent Method.
 o giveResult(String, RangeProposal)
Make the agent give its RangeProposal to the initiator agent.
To perform this action the agent has to be the nMCP.
Agent to Agent Method.
 o giveYouMyCF(String, int, String)
Make the agent store the Constraint Factor (CF) of an agent's user.
 o goHome()
Make the agent go to its home server.
Agent to Agent Method.
 o isEverybodyAnswered(String)
Test if everybody answered to the MeetingProposal.
 o moveTo(Object)
 o moveTo(String)
 o newMeeting(MeetingProposal)
Make the Agent store the MeetingProposal and ask its user if it will come or not to the Meeting.
In the next step, the Agent will have to use the its willComeOrNot method to transfer the answer to the Initiator Agent.
Agent to Agent Method.
Method called by the Initiator Agent callMeeting method.
 o newProposal(String, DateHourProposal)
Make the agent send a new DateHourProposal to the next most constrained participant's agent.
Agent to Agent Method.
 o nextProposal(String)
Agent to Agent Method.
 o noMoreProposal(String)
Agent to Agent Method.
 o postArrival()
 o postDeparture()
 o preArrival()
 o preDeparture(String, String)
 o print(String)
Make the agent display a string at its current location.
For test/debug purpose.
 o startGivingCF(String)
 o updateMeeting(MeetingProposal)
Make the agents of the participants update their meetingProposalList.
Agent to Agent Method.
Method called by the Initiator Agent.
 o willComeOrNot(String, String, boolean)
Make the agent answer if it will come or not to a meeting.
Agent to Agent Method.


 o MeetingAgent
 public MeetingAgent(UserInfo u)
MeetingAgent constructor


 o finalize
 public void finalize()
finalize in class Object
 o preDeparture
 public void preDeparture(String source,
                          String destination)
 o preArrival
 public void preArrival()
 o postArrival
 public void postArrival()
 o postDeparture
 public void postDeparture()
 o moveTo
 public void moveTo(Object obj)
 o moveTo
 public void moveTo(String url)
 o getMeetings
 public Vector getMeetings(Date beginning,
                           Date end)
Make the agent send the schedule to its client owner.
Client to Agent Method.

 o callMeeting
 public void callMeeting(MeetingProposal mp)
Make the Initiator Agent send the MeetingProposal to all the meeting guests' agents.
Method used by the Initiator Agent.

 o newMeeting
 public void newMeeting(MeetingProposal mp)
Make the Agent store the MeetingProposal and ask its user if it will come or not to the Meeting.
In the next step, the Agent will have to use the its willComeOrNot method to transfer the answer to the Initiator Agent.
Agent to Agent Method.
Method called by the Initiator Agent callMeeting method.

 o willComeOrNot
 public void willComeOrNot(String meetingProposalKey,
                           String userName,
                           boolean answer)
Make the agent answer if it will come or not to a meeting.
Agent to Agent Method.

 o updateMeeting
 public void updateMeeting(MeetingProposal mp)
Make the agents of the participants update their meetingProposalList.
Agent to Agent Method.
Method called by the Initiator Agent.

 o startGivingCF
 public void startGivingCF(String meetingProposalKey)
 o giveYouMyCF
 public void giveYouMyCF(String meetingProposalKey,
                         int CF,
                         String username)
Make the agent store the Constraint Factor (CF) of an agent's user.

 o newProposal
 public synchronized void newProposal(String meetingProposalKey,
                                      DateHourProposal dhp)
Make the agent send a new DateHourProposal to the next most constrained participant's agent.
Agent to Agent Method.

 o nextProposal
 public synchronized void nextProposal(String meetingProposalKey)
Agent to Agent Method.

 o noMoreProposal
 public synchronized void noMoreProposal(String meetingProposalKey)
Agent to Agent Method.

 o goHome
 public void goHome()
Make the agent go to its home server.
Agent to Agent Method.

 o giveResult
 public void giveResult(String meetingProposalKey,
                        RangeProposal rp)
Make the agent give its RangeProposal to the initiator agent.
To perform this action the agent has to be the nMCP.
Agent to Agent Method. Method called onto the Initiator Agent.

 o confirmMeeting
 public void confirmMeeting(MeetingProposal mp)
Make the agent confirm the final DateHourProposal to all the agents of one subgroup.
This is the LAST METHOD to be used.
Agent to Agent Method.
Method called by the nMCP agent.

 o getHome
 public String getHome()
Make the agent return the name of the server on which it was created.
Agent to Agent Method.

 o getCurrentlocation
 public String getCurrentlocation()
Make the agent return the name of the server on which it is running .

 o getOwner
 public String getOwner()
Make the agent return the name of its owner.
Agent to Agent Method.

 o print
 public void print(String str)
Make the agent display a string at its current location.
For test/debug purpose.

 o isEverybodyAnswered
 public boolean isEverybodyAnswered(String meetkey)
Test if everybody answered to the MeetingProposal.

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